somatic coaching - yoga - meditation

If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your unique unfolding, 1-on-1 sessions might be the right step for you. While each session is unique, together, we explore body-centered approaches that best serve your intentions and needs.

Whether you are looking for a therapeutic yoga/meditation experience or somatic coaching to facilitate a shift in personal, professional, and spiritual development, we will work closely together to transform the relationship between yourself and life.

I welcome the relationship with each client with inquiry, curiosity, and sacredness.

Not sure what you need?

Book a free 20-minute discovery call - let’s see how I can support you!

Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to exploring your relationship to yourself and your body. Moving at the pace of your unique nervous system and creating a personalized plan to support your unique needs and achieve your long-term intentions.

  • Targeted

    By cultivating trust with your own physiology and tailored approach we will work closely together to help identify internal blocks. We will ease the imbalances both in body and mind for a more regulated and resilient nervous system.

  • Integrative

    Wellness is more than just exercise and diet. Through the balanced integration of somatic practices such as parts work, Somatic Experiencing, breath work, meditation and yoga, you will get to rediscover your true self by recognizing your nervous system and befriending your body.

what to expect in a somatic coaching session

The key distinction in how I approach coaching is mind, body, heart, and nervous system as a whole. We will not sit inside your head and try to figure anything out intellectually on a cognitive level. Instead, we will gently tap into the innate resource of your body, slowly, threshold by threshold, as it trusts and allows us to.

The primary focus in my 1-on-1 sessions is nervous system regulation. As your nervous system's capacity slowly expands with each session, the deeper healing and inner resources will unfold spontaneously. This process is very organic, experiential, and inquisitive. It requires curiosity, commitment, and openness to explore yourself on a deeper level.

We will not get stuck in the narrative or story of your lived experience (living in the head). Your story matters; however, it is not essential for this type of holistic approach. Instead, we will turn toward the vessel of the body and the imprinted memory the body holds through the language of sensation, feeling, image, belief, emotion, embodied meaning-making, action, and integration.

In my private coaching sessions, I integrate a combination of body-centered methods and disciplines, such as Somatic Experiencing®, Parts Work (IFS informed), Process and Presence practice, Polyvagal exercises, movement, breath-work, and mindfulness meditation, to create a well-rounded and powerful set of tools that uniquely meet each client’s specific needs and long-term intentions.

When we tend to unfold present experiences this way, it illuminates the healing process. It unlocks inner wisdom, intuition, and creativity by rewiring conditioned patterns and creating new neural pathways. In return, it permeates the many layers and aspects of one's life: personal, professional, and spiritual.

What you’ll get

  • Weekly or biweekly 1-on-1 sessions chosen from the options below

  • Intimately held, witnessed, and supported

  • Uniquely tailored somatic approach to meet you where you’re at

  • Personal nervous system mapping and co-regulation

  • Custom-tailored tools and resources for navigating specific obstacles

  • Homework and integration exercises to support your unfoldment

Commitment & investment in yourself

Depending on your desired experience and the approach we take, I recommend starting with weekly or bi-weekly sessions.

All sessions below are offered in person or virtually:

  • Somatic Coaching (50 minutes) - Sliding scale: 85$ - $125;

  • Yoga & Meditation (60 minutes) - $95

  • Somatic Coaching, Yoga & Meditation (75 minutes) - $145; 45-minute coaching and 30 minutes of gentle-restorative yoga and meditation.

  • New client package: 4 virtual coaching sessions (50 minutes) - $299

*If a financial situation prevents you from engaging in any of these experiences, please get in touch with me to discuss options.